Los de Q, que tanto aplaudieron el "Far" de Regina la rrrusa, han dejado en coma el nuevo, "What we saw from the cheap seats".
Si es que a los de este medio no les ha gustado de nunca eso de que se rescaten temas antiguos y los regraben. Para ellos, es síntoma de falta de ideas.
Ahí lo llevais:
"Moscow-born, New York-based piano tickler returns"
2 estrellas de 5
In an age of sickly Match.com adverts and the surging popularity of "adorkable" actress Zooey Deschanel, the currency of all things kooky has never been stronger. Perfect timing, then, for the return of Regina Spektor, the undisputed Queen of Quirk and a woman whose vocal range stretches from trumpet honk to baby gurgle. Though she's found singing in a weird latino accent and even beatboxing here, it's not quite business as usual.
The common flipside to the myriad affectations - the occasional glimmer of pop genius seen in albums past - is mostly absent, with plodding piano-ballads in place instead. And the fact she recycles one of her own tracks (the sunny "Ne me quitte pas" is 10 years old) suggests she may be running on fumes.
¿La reina de lo peculiar? Wow, qué esnobismo se han buscado.
Precisamente, el nuevo single es "Ne me quitte pas":
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