No exagero si digo que "Oh My My", el cuarto disco de OneRepublic publicado en el 2016, era un espléndido catálogo de gemas pop. Un disco que la crítica aceptó tibiamente, que no llegó al público como sus anteriores, que no obtuvo ningún single en el top20 siquiera, pero que por otro lado, era una maravilla.
"Oh My My", nombre algo absurdo y una portada horrorosa, fue un álbum que mostraba a un Ryan Tedder en su máxima expansión. Tan directas y tremendas eran las canciones que a uno le hacían dudar de su originalidad, en estos tiempos del "todo ya está hecho". Escuchándolo, tienes la sensación de estar ante un "Greatest Hits". Canciones como "Heaven", "A.I (con Peter Gabriel)", "Human", "NbHD" o la que da título al disco, "Oh My My" tenían impregnado de principio a fin la palabra SINGLE DE EXITO por todos los lados.
Pero lo que la banda decidió hacer es ignorarlas y sacar canciones nuevas tras tres sencillos de escasa repercusión. Algo sospechoso... ¿advertencias de plagio, quizás?
No entenderemos nunca esta maniobra de por qué menospreciar tú mismo un disco que te ha salido redondo, abaratando un repertorio enorme haciéndolo morir al poco tiempo de ser publicado.
Pero es que ya estaban demostrando poca capacidad de recursos desde el propio artwork de este trabajo, insulso a más no poder, más propio de una banda en un sello de tercera.
Desde entonces, OneRepublic han ido lanzando singles sueltos con nula efectividad. Empezaron con la vacua "No vacancy", peor que cualquier canción del "Oh My My", le siguieron "Truth to power", "Rich love" y "Born to race", todas un fracaso.
Ahora, a poco de sacar el nuevo disco, que saldrá en un tiempo indeterminado de este año, lanzan "Start again" (que se incluye en la serie "Por trece razones") y un video futurista que intenta concienciar sobre los efectos del calentamiento global, y "Connection", que ha sido usada en la última publicidad de Jeep.
Dos canciones muy flojas si las comparamos con lo que conocemos de ellos.
Deberían enfocar todas sus fuerzas en un único lanzamiento importante, como hicieron con "Counting stars", su mayor éxito, e implicarse en la promoción de una única canción y no de estas 5 ó 6 que han sacado como churros, como si fueran una máquina de melodías, pero que han perdido el gancho y la elocuencia que los caracterizaba.
Las conexiones que podamos analizar en sus últimas maniobras se nos escapan. Hay demasiadas incógnitas abiertas.
Editamos este post con una explicación que dió Ryan Tedder a este respecto el 27 de Abril del 2017.
Hi. So we've been quiet for a few months, haven't been promoting our most recent album and staying silent on most everything. Figured some of you might wanna know why. We've been a band now for 10 years as of January, and in that time we have gone nonstop... album, tour, album, tour etc... on Native we toured 2 1/2 years... 50+ countries and 225 dates. We went straight from that into finishing 'Oh My My', our longest (and most difficult to finish), and straight from that into promo for 'Wherever I Go' in April 2016. About 3-4 weeks into the promo for the 2nd single 'Kids' I (Ryan) hit a physical, emotional, psychological wall. I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, not sleeping, on meds, not happy, anxiety on a crippling level and it was triggered from sheer exhaustion. I looked at a calendar, realized I had been gone 200 days of 2016 and still had 3 more weeks of being gone.. From my family, my wife, my kids, my friends, basically my life. I also realized that had been the last 10 years. At that moment I wanted to quit, and almost did. I called my manager and said "pull the plug"... cancel tv's cancel promo, cancel the single, cancel the album. At the time we had a tour planned for the US in February, straight into Europe and then the rest of the world. We were gonna be gone again, for ages. The thought of it literally sent me into a sweat and made me feel like I was going to have a heart attack. Crippling anxiety. It also made me stop writing songs. I didn't have the motivation or joy necessary to. That's over now.
'Oh My My' is my favorite album, it's bonkers and eclectic and we planned on releasing/promoting lots of songs we wanted to get to, but that album is also what made me collapse... in addition to travel we had an inhuman amount of stress surrounding basic things like artwork and videos. Everywhere we turned something got messed up and had to be redone, at the cost of our time and lives and families. It was never ending. So, for the first time ever and hopefully the last, I asked our label (who is amazing) to stop. Stop the album, stop the promo, don't release another song. Hit pause. And they did.
So now we are here. What does that mean for our band? We've taken 4 months off, I had to dive headfirst into writing for anything but 1R.. so I've been busy with a lot of other artists, having the most fun I've had in ages, but in those sessions occasionally a 1R idea pops out. Fortunately we still love what we do and love you guys immensely, and love performing live. LOOOOVE. So we are going to. But we are changing the entire scope of how we release music and approach touring.
I had the idea even before our last album of releasing "songs"... when we want, as often as we want, however we want. Not albums, songs. It's always frustrated me that by the time u get to a 3rd, 4th or 5th single off an album that song may have been produced 2-3 years ago....and sounds dated. What if 3 months into an album you write a song that feels relevant NOW?? Albums aren't built to be flexible or get out of their own way. So here's what we're gonna do. Starting tomorrow we will be dropping new music as often as humanly possible... monthly, weekly sometimes, and it will be VARIED and with collaborations and may feel bonkers at first. Some will be remixes others will be just me on piano or guitar. Some will sound super trendy and new, some will sound classic and old school or very "OneRepublic". News flash: I am ADD AF and always have been. It is IMPOSSIBLE for me to stick to one lane or one style or sound, I am incapable of it and so are the rest of the guys. That's part of my anxiety, "what this album supposed to sound like?!!" No more. We like too many styles of music to "sound like OneRepublic" 24/7. Newsflash 2: l have honestly never known what our sound is, not once. I leave that up to your interpretation of it. All I'm ever chasing is goosebumps or emotion or fun. Love, God, Hope. What else is there? In whatever shade or color that is-- Currently I'm chasing it. I'm a songs guy, the sound is always evolving.
So.... some of these songs you're absolutely gonna love... some you might totally hate, some will be a breath of fresh air and some you'll skip. And guess what? It doesn't matter. that's the point. All the songs will be me singing and us playing. So it's Us. We won't be chasing trends but we will react to what's around us, we won't be trying to re-write songs from our past but some will unavoidably sound nostalgic. SONGS.
So whats 'No Vacancy' and where did it come from? I had a series of sessions with my friends Tor and Mikkel (Stargate) in early January. The 2nd song we wrote was No Vacancy. The session didn't start as a song for OneRepublic, we were trying to write a Gotye style song for Selena actually, but when I sang the chorus it just felt right. The lyric idea started with me thinking about my kids and then I realized it was kinda just relatable to anyone. It had a Police vibe I loved... Tor sped it up and added the plucky guitar chords. A month later we ended up doing a concert in the Caribbean and that's where I finished the lyrics and vocals and instrumental bits. As I said I react to what's around me, thus the island vibe and palm trees etc....(and yes I realize I'm pronouncing "Vacancy" an odd way but how the hell else can it rhyme with "so damn empty!!??"). It's not a first single, it's a song for April. It's fun, it's summer, it's a song some will love and some wont- I honestly don't care. WE like it

'No Vacancy' likely won't sound like the next song we drop... or it may. We have more new music scheduled 2 weeks from tomorrow, so here's the deal:
To all our fans: we hope you enjoy our new approach to releasing music, you will be hearing it as we make it. There are no "first singles", there are no "album cycles", there's us getting inspired, writing a tune, and getting it to you fast as we can. Because of Streaming services we can finally do what I've wanted to do for years. Some songs you will love, some you may loathe, but guess what?? Wait another couple weeks and you'll have something new that may just be your favorite thing ever. We will tour when it makes sense, put out artwork when it's good, and we are making merch WE wanna wear... for you. We will go to radio with songs when it feels like we should, not before. And we will tour... but not so much we end up hating life.
Love you, hope you enjoy No Vacancy, it's simply one shade of a sound that we like this month, and tomorrow, I'm gonna write something totally different.
Ryan T.
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