MOJO ha publicado un completo repaso a la carrera de Kate Bush, aprovechando el lanzamiento de "Director's cut", el "nuevo" disco de Kate. Lo pongo entre comillas pues no es más que once canciones reparadas de sus álbums, "The red shoes" y "The sensual world".
Kate, tan reacia a remasterizaciones, compilaciones o reediciones de sus discos, ha trabajado para arreglar las fisuras de canciones que para ella eran imperfectas y el resultado, según la revista, ha sido desigual.
Antony Hegarty participa en este reportaje recordando la que para él es la canción que más le ha marcado de todo el extenso repertorio de la Bush.
Nota: Dato más que curioso el que comenta Antony. Kate Bush no tocaba nunca en directo. Coincido con él en que la música de Kate es para escucharla en la más estricta soledad y si es posible, con auriculares.
"It's actually really hard to choose one Kate Bush song, there are so many I love, but "The kick inside" is a truly great song. I first heard it when I was a 7-year-old kid, living in Holland, and it, and the album (The kick inside, 1978), were esentially the soundtrack to my late childhood. What first impressed me about the song was this magical, interpretive, otherworldly quality; there was theatricality to it and a tremendous sense of self-possesion. There was an obvious value in creativity to it, too; that meant a lot to me in terms of an approach to the world.
As a listener you have a very solitary, intimate relationship with Kate's music; it's something that stays in the bedroom and the living room, something you experience with headphones on. It was never a communal experience. Her songwriting has this helpful, restoraitive quality, a kind of feminine wholesomeness, a helpfulness. That's not something you can say about a lot of artists. She's definitely been a huge influence on me. Of course, she doesn't play live, and my experience was mostly gained as a live performer, so we're very different, but I relate to her as an artist and to her whole approach to the work. She's great!"
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